Club News
Thanks From - and To - the Tavs
31st March 2014
THE Green Taverners are pleased to announce that...
...all the PAFC staff who entered the Accelerated Payment Scheme after administration have been paid all their payments due.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank all the fans who have supported our initiatives, either through attending our Fan Fests, or directly through sponsorships, auctions and draws.
Also, we thank the PAFC staff for their patience in bearing with us through two years of fundraising to achieve the end result.
In addition, our thanks to PAFC, who allowed us to make these net payments through their payroll system without involving us in the intricacies of NI and Tax issues.
Finally, the Green Taverners intend to carry on supporting “the badge”, and money raised will be utilized by those organizations within the infrastructure of PAFC who are in need.