home park

Vision & Values

Plymouth Argyle Football Club has made significant strides since emerging from administration in 2011.

We have a successful first team, which is funded on a sustainable basis. We are making significant investment in training facilities for our footballers, and in the Home Park infrastructure for our fans. We have grown attendance at home matches by 50% in the last five years.

Our Community Trust plays a vital role in the education and management of health, and the engagement of young people across the South West. Despite this progress, we believe we should always focus on improvement, and aspire to be excellent in all we do. This document serves as a guide to our aspirations, and how we intend to achieve them.


Our Vision is what we aspire for our club to be.

Our Vision is that: Plymouth Argyle is a successful football club supported or respected by everyone in the South West and many beyond.

OUR VALUES Our Values describe how we expect our people to behave, and will enable our Vision to be achieved.

Our Values are:

Fan Focus

Satisfying our fans and supporters is a top priority. Our relationship with them is both open and welcoming.

Community Focus and Environmental Responsibility

We are committed to serving the community in which we live and work, and intend Plymouth Argyle to be a good representative for Plymouth and the wider South West.

Our community cannot thrive in a deteriorating physical environment, so we strive to minimise any adverse impact caused by our activities.

Honesty, Openness and Integrity

We do what we say we will do. We live up to our values. We will be as open with our stakeholders as is consistent with the club’s wider interests. There is a strong level of intra-club communication. We operate within the law and will treat our partners, sponsors and suppliers as we would wish to be treated ourselves.

Respect, Diversity and Inclusion

We give everyone a voice and welcome challenge. We are committed to inclusion and diversity.

We seek representation of our community throughout the Club, in our employees, management and at board level.

We strive to eliminate inappropriate discrimination, in all its forms, so that we can all work, and watch football, in an environment free from intimidation, victimisation or harassment.

We welcome the passion, enthusiasm and engagement of our supporters, but will not tolerate discrimination or abuse of our staff or supporters.

We have a clear and transparent process for addressing cases of abuse.


Everything we do should be excellent. Our management, players and staff are committed to continuous improvement, careful planning, discipline and rigour in all they undertake.

Financial Prudence

We manage our finances carefully, and successfully.

Efficiency and Organisational Strength

We are an efficient and process-oriented club where our objectives are clear from the outset of any work that we undertake.