evergreen benefits

Evergreen Benefits

Evergreen membership brings a full range of benefits, some of which will be available immediately and others once you have been a member for three months.

Sign up for Evergreen today

Please note that the Evergreen Season Ticket discount and free replica shirt benefit for the 2024/25 season expired on Sunday 12 May, 2024. All sign-ups after this date will be able to apply these benefits in the 2025/26 season.

Season Ticket discount:

All domestic-based memberships will benefit from a season ticket discount, which will represent a significant saving on your annual commitment to Argyle.

Please note for this benefit, you must remain an Evergreen member until 1 January, regardless of sign-up date. Any cancellations prior to this date will require the member to repay their season-ticket discount. This rule is in place to ensure fairness for all members. 

Argyle Superstore Discount:

This benefit will be immediately available to Evergreen members and can be used as a discount code when shopping online through www.argylesuperstore.co.uk or by using your Evergreen membership card when shopping at Home Park. Please note this benefit cannot be used in tandem with another discount. 

Ticketing Priority:

This benefit will be immediately available to Evergreen members and please note this is strictly one ticket per membership.

We reserve the right to void a match ticket purchased in an Evergreen priority window if a new sign-up immediately cancels their Evergreen membership after taking advantage of this benefit. In these instances, we will also cross-check member details with the visiting club database and our internal booking history.

This is to protect all Evergreen members and give everyone a fair chance of using the ticket priority benefit.

Argyle TV Discount:

This benefit applies only to an annual subscription and will be immediately available to Evergreen members on the next purchase of an Argyle TV subscription. To access this benefit, please contact evergreen@pafc.co.uk and you will be issued with a unique single-use discount code. 

First-Team Replica Shirt:

For those Evergreen packages that include a first-team replica shirt, this will be sent to members with their Evergreen pack after three months of membership. For members who have signed up after 12 May, 2024 this benefit will apply to the 25/26 shirt. 

Evergreen Membership Card:

This will be sent to members as soon as possible after signing up, roughly 6-8 weeks.

Evergreen Events / Prize Draws:

This benefit will be immediately available to Evergreen members.

Digital Christmas / Birthday Card:

This benefit will be immediately available to Evergreen members.

Harpers Football Centre:
Evergreen members will receive a discount on services offered by the Harpers Football Centre, but only at off-peak times, which is all day on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, before 6pm and after 9pm on a Monday - Thursday. 

Evergreen Pack:

The Evergreen membership pack will be sent out after one month.
