No Party Like a PADSA Party
OVER seventy people enjoyed a wonderful afternoon on Sunday in the Tribute Lounge for the rearranged PADSA Christmas Party.
PADSA - Plymouth Argyle Disabled Supporters Association - were unable to hold their annual Christmas party in December.
The Green Taverners kindly arranged and sponsored entertainment from The Plymouth Ukulele Band and a very plentiful buffet was prepared by the club. Argyle also donated an Argyle shirt signed by the players which was offered as the star prize in the raffle.
The highlight of the afternoon was a visit from the players, Jake Jervis, Oscar Threlkeld and Remi Matthews who mingled with all of the guests, sharing stories and bringing smiles to many faces.
With PADSA and Plymouth Argyle working together along with the generous support from The Green Taverners it is hoped that many more social gatherings can be enjoyed in the future.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Disability Liaison Officer if you would like to receive help or advice regarding supporters with a disability.