Green Army Survey
WE want to hear from you, the Green Army, in this year’s Close Season Survey – undertaken in partnership with the Argyle Fans’ Trust.
THE time has come for supporters to provide feedback on a wide range of issues surrounding the match-day experience and governance of Argyle.
Senior club officials and the Argyle Fans' Trust board have worked together to make significant contributions to the structure and content of this year's survey, with a number of new questions included.
Chief Executive Andrew Parkinson said: "We welcome the opinion of the Green Army on everything we do, and always take those views into account when planning and making decisions that impact upon our loyal fan-base.
"Along with Fans' Forums, the Fans Assembly, the Green Army Grandstand Working Group and other areas of interaction with our supporters, the annual fans' survey is a vital connection between the club and its core support, which we wholeheartedly embrace.
"Our grateful thanks to the AFT for again organising the survey. We look forward to receiving - and acting upon - the findings."
This season's survey closely matches the format of previous editions, to allow for comparative analysis where possible, with a number of amendments made to reflect the notable changes that have taken place over the last twelve months.
As in previous years, the intention of the Close Season Survey is to establish an independently sourced and detailed snapshot of current fan opinion on a wide range of topics.
This is your opportunity to make your opinion count. The closing date for participation is July 7, 2019.
Click here to participate in the survey.